Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Share the beauty

"Share the beauty of this world
It's our one and only
There's so much you can be
When you're part of the magic of this blue-green pearl
you've yet to see
The sliver stars
Dancing in the night
Hear the song of birds at dawn
Taste the ocean spray
Smell the jungle after rain"

Extracted from the song: "share the beauty"
Music/Artist by: Antares
Lyrics by: Lida Geh

( in order to promote the reissue of his album, 2nd Comming (1986)  - well done mate )


Friday, August 6, 2010

Between the Lines

A professional genealogist had accepted a very handsome fee from a wealthy client to research his family tree.

In writing up his report, the genealogist was dismayed to learn that one of the client’s ancestors had been executed in the electric chair.

Wanting to be tactful, he wrote up the relative as follows:
“Your Uncle Henry occupied the chair of Applied Electricity at a leading government institution. He was attached to his chair by the strongest of ties, and his sudden passing came as a great shock.”

~ Nigel Rees