People engage in various activities to break their everyday cycle of life. Traveling perhaps is my thing.
What if we do not return to the cycle we have once left behind? How can one do that?
Of cause running away from the cycle is not the answer. Because if one engages in certain activity in order to stay away from the cycle, eventually that becomes his/her cycle.
What is it that we are trying to break free from? Work, relationships, everyday routine, troubles, problems, etc.
But what is the deeper personal relationship to all these that we are trying to break free from? We relate to all things we engage in at a deeper emotional level - and that is what we are really trying to break free from (in fact longing for something is also a mean of breaking free from a certain emotional state). We try to break free from our everyday stress, sorrow, boredom, unsatisfactoriness, fear, anger, pain, etc. By doing so, we look for the answers outside.
We think a certain change to our everyday life will make a difference. It will for a short time, only to fall back in to the same emotional state - because the changes you have made eventually become your everyday life.
Therefore, something inside oneself must be maintaining this emotional body regardless of the outer changes. Basically, the emotional body does not go away no matter how much we run away from our "everyday life". And as long as the emotional body exist, the distress of everyday life exist.
What is the root cause of all these emotions? It is how we relate to everyday life? How we relate is determined by how we think and how we think is conditioned by everything we have learned and experienced since our birth.
But is it really true, the things we "think" to be the right. wrong, good, bad, etc.? If so, why would you find another one million people with opposing views to you. Why are humans divided through language, country, race, beliefs, etc.? Are we born with all that or have we not been conditioned with all this?
Like that, have our thoughts not been conditioned by all the different ways we think to generate distress of our everyday life? In fact the so called "everyday life" not a pigment of our own conditioned thoughts?
Break free from your conditioning and you will find freedom from and within your everyday life.
What if we do not return to the cycle we have once left behind? How can one do that?
Of cause running away from the cycle is not the answer. Because if one engages in certain activity in order to stay away from the cycle, eventually that becomes his/her cycle.
What is it that we are trying to break free from? Work, relationships, everyday routine, troubles, problems, etc.
But what is the deeper personal relationship to all these that we are trying to break free from? We relate to all things we engage in at a deeper emotional level - and that is what we are really trying to break free from (in fact longing for something is also a mean of breaking free from a certain emotional state). We try to break free from our everyday stress, sorrow, boredom, unsatisfactoriness, fear, anger, pain, etc. By doing so, we look for the answers outside.
We think a certain change to our everyday life will make a difference. It will for a short time, only to fall back in to the same emotional state - because the changes you have made eventually become your everyday life.
Therefore, something inside oneself must be maintaining this emotional body regardless of the outer changes. Basically, the emotional body does not go away no matter how much we run away from our "everyday life". And as long as the emotional body exist, the distress of everyday life exist.
What is the root cause of all these emotions? It is how we relate to everyday life? How we relate is determined by how we think and how we think is conditioned by everything we have learned and experienced since our birth.
But is it really true, the things we "think" to be the right. wrong, good, bad, etc.? If so, why would you find another one million people with opposing views to you. Why are humans divided through language, country, race, beliefs, etc.? Are we born with all that or have we not been conditioned with all this?
Like that, have our thoughts not been conditioned by all the different ways we think to generate distress of our everyday life? In fact the so called "everyday life" not a pigment of our own conditioned thoughts?
Break free from your conditioning and you will find freedom from and within your everyday life.