Friday, September 4, 2009

What really matters

I was walking down the street today when I was interrupted by a man who appeared professional. Looking closer, his eyes told me of a weary story, cloths were dusty and he had swollen dry lips. He spoke softly. First he tried to speak to me in Hindi, I think. To my surprise, he could switch to English upon hearing that I couldn't understand him.

He told me that he is from Pakistan and he can't find work. "I've lost all my money, please help me", he said. I replied, "I am sorry, I don't have that much money, I am on a tight budget". He continued saying "please, I haven't eaten for a while...". I can't remember what he said after wards, but I was overwhelmed by this plea for basics of survival, to eat. I handed over a 10Riggit note and said, "make sure you get yourself some food".

Why this whole way of life I thought, school, uni and work 9-5? This is how we manage our survival, provide food, water and shelter. Isn't that what really matters? What comes afterwards is merely what considered "important" by the society. Chasing after it blindingly would make one forget what truly matters...

1 comment:

  1. Dude I'm loving your blog! Keep up the good work. Didnt know you could write so well. Sounds like you are having the experience of your life. Keep safe :) Marwa
